What kind of leader was Jesus? What did he offer people that made them decided to follow him?
These were the two main questions we discussed during during Faith Formation on Sunday (which was Part 2 of last week's conversation about what kind of club Jesus would start if he were a modern teenage student).
For those with ears to hear, the quickest answers are these: Jesus was a royal leader and the vibes he offered others were so holy and good that he was quickly identified as the Savior who would redeem the world.
Jesus led by persuasion; he relied on actions over arguments. Instead of merely talking about love, peace, forgiveness, and justice, he embodied these divine qualities in the life he shared with those around him. Like Jesus, God never forces us to do anything. We have the freedom to either enter into a relationship with God and help heal the world, or we can choose opt out of this.
Jesus led by invitation; he invited people into a different way of living. The youth at Holy Innocents' try to practice this different way of living too. This life involves being down-to-earth, open minded and open hearted, helping and showing kindness to everyone, having royal vibes and feeling loved, and seeing God in yourself, others, and all creation.
This way of living was definitely risky for the early followers of Jesus. He told the disciples that if they truly wanted to follow him they'd have to "take up their cross," which was another way of saying "you'll have to be shamefully and gruesomely executed as a criminal." Not something you'd expect to find on an invitation.
What divine vibes drew you to Holy Innocents'? Why do you continue to come? What vibes do you look forward to experiencing week? How do you vibe (or pray) with God when you're not at church? What are some ways our group can be more intentional about sharing Godly vibes with others?
These are some of the questions we'll try answering this Sunday. Until then, find your vibe with God and also attempt these two irrelevant challenges:
1. Do the 'yes dance' (if you do not know the dance then make up your own 'yes dance').
2. Sing the second word in the next sentence you use when talking with someone.
This way of living was definitely risky for the early followers of Jesus. He told the disciples that if they truly wanted to follow him they'd have to "take up their cross," which was another way of saying "you'll have to be shamefully and gruesomely executed as a criminal." Not something you'd expect to find on an invitation.
When we considered what we'd ask Jesus' club of early followers, we came up with this question: "What did Jesus have to offer that's worth dying for?"
They probably would have said that Jesus offered an irresistible vision of the kingdom of heaven. 'The kingdom' is not a specific place -- it's not a realm up in the sky; and it's not necessarily in the future either. Instead, the kingdom comes about when people come together to join God in making life better by filling it with love, justice, mercy, and beauty. The kingdom begins to come each time we open our eyes up to God's awesomeness working in our lives and through creation. The kingdom comes each time we vibe with that awesomeness and share those godly vibes with the world and people around us.
What divine vibes drew you to Holy Innocents'? Why do you continue to come? What vibes do you look forward to experiencing week? How do you vibe (or pray) with God when you're not at church? What are some ways our group can be more intentional about sharing Godly vibes with others?
These are some of the questions we'll try answering this Sunday. Until then, find your vibe with God and also attempt these two irrelevant challenges:
1. Do the 'yes dance' (if you do not know the dance then make up your own 'yes dance').
2. Sing the second word in the next sentence you use when talking with someone.
(Vibe antennas can sometimes resemble the ones in the photo.
Don't judge. Don't be jeally. Just vibe.)
Don't judge. Don't be jeally. Just vibe.)
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