Saturday, March 29, 2014

How do you let good vibes flow?

In case you missed it, we’ve given ourselves the new name The Royal Club of Friendly Vibes. An awesome name obviously needs an awesome logo, so we came up with this temporary one until we can vote on a winner:

Our latest lesson revolved around the question: How do you let good vibes flow?

Another way of saying this is, How do you let the Spirit of God—the Holy Spirit—move in and through your life?

To answer this question of flowing vibes, we imagined God as the fountainhead -- the source and the carrier all divine vibes. Just as God is the source of all love, goodness, justice, and beauty, the Spirit of God is like the rivers that carry the contents of the source out into the world. Living faithfully is dependent on God’s constant flow into our hearts and actions.

Imagine there are Friendly Water Fountains next to the Spirit River from which we drink. The better the flow of the Spirit River, the easier it is to drink from the fountains and grow in friendly vibes. Sometimes our spiritual lives are like water fountains with bad water-pressure (you know, the ones where you press down and nothing really shoots up and you basically have to make out with the spigot to get anything to drink).

Without intending to, we often allow things or habits into our lives that clog up the good vibes and reduce the flow of the Spirit. These obstructions aren’t necessarily bad or negative things. They only become problems when they get in the way of God.

We identified some of the things that, though fine in moderation, prevent God’s good vibes from freely flowing through our lives: spending too much time on our cell phones, computers, or social media; playing too many video games or watching too much TV; having too many unused clothes or being surrounded by unwanted clutter.

The season of Lent is kind of a ‘spring cleaning of the soul’ or an annual Spirit River pick-up where we prayerfully identify and remove the excessive things in our lives that pile up. Removing distractions is only one way to let vibes flow better. You can also add small habits or things to help generate God’s friendly vibes.

The challenge this week is to help the good vibes flow by attaching a small prayer onto something you do every day—like saying a prayer each time you wash your hands, make your bed, before you eat, etc.

Whatever we come up with will be slow-jammed by Chris and Timothy when we return.

Peace Out, 

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