Sunday, February 16, 2014

Vibin on Deacons

Today we're hearing from two of our deacon's: Georgia and Joshua. Georgia is a "real" deacon, where Joshua is a transitional deacon on his way to be a priest.

Deacon comes from the word to be servant. Both literally and figuratively, their role is to set the table and clean up afterwards. The first deacon was called to make sure widows and orphans were distributed food, serving the marginalized.

To be an priest, you must be a servant of all. Each of us have ministry in the church and in the world, it is just the special emphasis we carry, the "real" deacons being more focused on the world: the poor, sick, suffering, and helpless.

The misisters of the church are the lay persons first. The role of the deacons is to call the laity to responsibility by their actions in the world. They should push us out of our comfort zone.

Perhaps, we don't have enough deacons because we are afraid of where they will take us. Makers of holy mischief.

The church is not a business, we all share in the vocation of the church based on our baptismal function.

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